Using the Toolkit

You read about the seven primary training resource sections in the About this Toolkit. They are:

These sections have valuable resources and information (we call them tools) to help you develop quality training tailored to your target audience.

Each section has subsections directing you to tools on specific training topics. A brief description of each subsection will help you determine if it contains tools that will help you with a particular training need. When you click on a subsection, you will find its tools, along with a description and an explanation of how each one might be useful as you plan your training.

From the Field

In addition to training tools available in each section, you will also find a descriptive example of how trainers have used particular tools when creating actual training courses and materials on HIV/AIDS-related topics. These brief "From the Field" stories are examples that demonstrate how you might use some of the tools as you create your own HIV/AIDS training. Each major section of this Toolkit includes a "From the Field" story.

Chart your Progress

When working on a project like the development of a training course or program, it is often a good idea to stop occasionally and assess your progress. Each section of this Toolkit provides you this opportunity by inviting you to pause and "Chart your Progress." This progress assessment tool will help you monitor your accomplishments at each step in the training creation process. Look for the "Chart your Progress" compass in each major section of the Toolkit and take time to assess your progress as you go through each stage of the training creation process.

Document Formats

Most of the documents in this toolkit are in Microsoft Word format. Other formats used include Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe PDF, and various image files with healthcare-related pictures and maps. All documents that can be downloaded are indicated with a Document icon.

The Word and PowerPoint electronic documents can be modified to meet your particular training needs. Software capable of displaying a PDF is required for viewing or printing the document. Adobe Reader is available free of charge from the Adobe website at

Viewing the Toolkit

You can access the Toolkit by either viewing it on your computer screen or you may print all or part of it.

If you are using this Toolkit from a CD-ROM, you may view the resources in the following ways:

  • Insert the CD into your computer.
  • If you're accessing the Toolkit from Windows:
    • Open "My Computer" on the desktop, then open the CD.
    • Double click on "toolkit" or "toolkit.html".
  • If you're accessing the Toolkit from MacOS:
    • Open the CD that appears on your Desktop.
    • Double click on "toolkit" or " toolkit.html."