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University of Washington Systems

The UW has an excellent reputation for outstanding financial management and administrative systems. The infrastructure dedicated to sponsored projects administration is organized to maximize efficiency and responsiveness. The central administrative units work collaboratively to assure compliance with state, federal, and other regulatory requirements. A synopsis of the expertise and responsibilities of the major institutional units that comprise the UW sponsored research administration infrastructure includes:

Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP): Reviews and submits proposals, negotiates and establishes awards, assures compliance with all applicable policies and regulations, and liaises with sponsors. This unit is responsible for contracting with all sub-recipients. To ensure compliance with the prime sponsor funding, regardless of the grant or contract fund source, OSP prepares and administers sub-awards in accordance with federal policy found in the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) and sponsor policies found in the prime award to the University.

Grant and Contract Accounting: Facilitates the post-award financial aspects of sponsored programs, including invoicing and financial reporting and management and tracking of cost-share commitments. This unit operates under prescribed Cost Accounting Standards.
Financial Accounting: Responsible for all aspects of the institution’s financial accounting, this unit is responsible for maintaining the institutional financial accounting systems, taxes, banking and accounting operations (including field advances and revolving funds), and internal controls. The UW’s written accounting policies and procedures can be found at:

Management Accounting and Analysis (MAA): Provides guidance to the UW community on Faculty Effort Certifications and Grant & Contract Certification Reports to assure compliance with Federal regulations. MAA develops and negotiates the federal reimbursement rate for facilities and administrative expenses incurred in support of sponsored research and other sponsored projects, and provides summary information to assist departments in determining the status of required mandatory and committed cost sharing by budget.

Procurement Services: This unit is responsible for all aspects of procurement, including purchasing, accounts payable, and strategic sourcing.

Travel Office: This unit assures compliance with the state and federal policies that govern travel and reimbursement procedures.

Equipment Inventory Office (EIO): Provides guidance on the acquisition of equipment, and tracks all equipment purchased through the University. EIO is responsible for all grant reporting and accountability related to equipment.

Internal Audit: Provides audit services with a focus on financial, operational, and compliance related controls that help ensure the excellence and integrity of the University’s ongoing operations.

Office of Risk Management: Provides overall risk management services to the UW to control risks and provide insurance across the university.

Attorney General’s Office (AGO): As a branch of the Washington State Attorney General’s Office, the AGO provides consultation and oversees all legal services to the UW and its programs.

Human Resources: Manages all employment services at the UW and in I-TECH country offices including overseeing hiring, benefits, compensation, disability services, and managing human resources within local labor laws.The UW’s HR policies can be found at: