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PLHIV Support in Trinidad and Tobago

I-TECH Trinidad and Tobago collaborates with  local organizations to implement programs focused on supporting the health and wellness of people living with HIV (PLHIV), including:

National HIV Helpline: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for virtual support and information on HIV testing, care, treatment, and support, and an increased need for guidance and psychosocial support for PLHIV. This prompted the need for a central line for communication and connection to the HIV/AIDS network. For World AIDS Day 2021, the National AIDS Coordinating Committee (NACC), Office of the Prime Minister, in collaboration with the HIV AIDS Coordinating Unit (HACU) of the Ministry of Health and I-TECH, launched the national HIV helpline. I-TECH provides technical assistance, training, and capacity building support to the HIV Helpline Coordinator and Active Listeners and is supporting efforts to raise the social media profile to increase caller volume.

The NACC website has a new dedicated section titled “It’s All About U:” Identifying the Key Steps to a Healthier U, along your path to becoming Undetectable to support health and treatment for PLHIV.

 Patient Health and Literacy: In collaboration with the National AIDS Coordinating Committee (NACC), Office of the Prime Minister and a technical working group comprised of PLHIV and non-governmental organization (NGO) representatives, I-TECH developed content across nine topic areas aimed at improving PLHIV health and treatment literacy. The content was integrated into the inaugural NACC website in a dedicated section titled “It’s All About U:” Identifying the Key Steps to a Healthier U, along your path to becoming Undetectable. Topic areas were focused on promoting and encouraging U=U with content titled: U and Your Dream Team; A healthy U; All about U and HIV; What U may get wrong; Your journey to U; U and your Partner; U in the future – HIV and Aging; U and your Baby – HIV and Pregnancy; HIV and COIVD-19 . The website is expected to facilitate wider access and reach to the PLHIV community and is the first content of its kind to provide consolidated, standardized and culturally appropriate material on HIV and AIDS treatment, care, and support in Trinidad and Tobago.




HIV Drug Resistance Surveillance in Malawi

The World Health Organization recommends countries routinely implement nationally representative HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) surveys among people infected with HIV to measure the level of drug resistance. The results of HIVDR surveys are a critical component of HIV programs and can guide changes to pediatric and adult antiretroviral therapy (ART) treatment regimens, including first- and second-line regimen decisions. I-TECH has been implementing HIVDR surveys in Malawi since 2016.

HIV DR Surveys Conducted Since 2016:

  • Infant HIVDR Survey: An HIVDR survey was conducted among infants aged 18 months and younger to determine the level of pediatric resistance to nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI), nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI), and protease inhibitors (PI) ART drugs through exposure during pregnancy and breastfeeding. A total of 232 eligible remnant dried blood spot (DBS) samples from nine early infant diagnosis (EID)-approved laboratories were used for the diagnosis of HIV in infants between June 2016 and December 2017.
  • Antenatal Care (ANC)/Pregnant Women HIVDR Survey: An HIVDR survey was conducted to measure resistance to NNRTI, NRTI and PI drugs among ANC clients who were found to have a recent HIV infection. A total of 45 DBS samples from women with recent HIV infection were collected as part of the 2016 HIV sentinel surveillance survey and were successfully amplified and sequenced.

The next step in HIV surveillance activity is monitoring HIVDR among pregnant women initiating dolutegravir (DTG)-based regimens, as well as the potential emergence of DTG resistance in infants via mother-to-child transmission. A study of DTG resistance is currently underway in Malawi and will determine the level of DTG resistance in adults who are unable to achieve viral load suppression and DTG resistance in children < 15 years old who are unable to achieve viral load suppression.

I-TECH Presents at 2023 IAS Conference on HIV Science

The 2023 IAS Conference on HIV Science logo. Read the full background and inspiration behind the 2023 IAS Logo. Image credit: IAS

The International AIDS Society (IAS) hosted the 12th IAS Conference on HIV Science on 23 – 26 July 2023 in Brisbane, Australia, and virtually. This biennial conference brings together top HIV researchers, experts, and scientists for presentations and discussions on the latest advances in HIV research and practice.

This year, representatives from the International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH), I-TECH’s partner network organizations, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shared findings from I-TECH-supported programs in India, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. Read the ePoster abstracts below.




Triple Border Disease Surveillance in South America

Population movement, limited public health infrastructure, different country reporting systems, and poor environmental conditions increase incidence of certain infectious diseases across borders. Communities living in border areas are at increased vulnerability for and worse outcomes from infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and other priority pathogens.

I-TECH, as part of the Integrated Next-generation Surveillance in Global Health: Translation to Action (INSIGHT to Action) project, is implementing a cross border surveillance strengthening program  to improve the detection, monitoring, investigation, and response to public health threats in two triple border regions in South America.

INSIGHT Project: Strengthening Public Health Disease Surveillance

The Integrated Next-generation Surveillance in Global Health: Translation to Action (INSIGHT to Action) project is a five-year cooperative agreement with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to assess and strengthen global public health surveillance systems using a One Health approach. The INSIGHT project leverages the capacity building strengths of I-TECH and the One Health disease surveillance expertise of the Center for One Health Research, with a model of engaging local institutions and experts in countries where it will be working in a shared partnership model.

In its first year, the INSIGHT project focused on an in depth assessment of the public health surveillance systems in Peru, in partnership with experts from University of Peru Cayetano Heredia. The completed assessment has now catalyzed the formation of a technical working group with representation across multiple government agencies that will work with other stakeholders including the World Bank at implementing measures to strengthen regional and country capacity to detect, respond to, control, and prevent emerging disease threats to health security.

The INSIGHT surveillance work in Latin America is also now expanding to involve Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia.


In 2023, the INSIGHT program launched the Informatics and Data Science for Health (IDASH) training program in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The goals of IDASH are to enhance capacity to create and use public health information systems that enable the capture, management, analysis, dissemination, and use of reliable, timely information to improve population-level health outcomes, as well as strengthen regional capacity to effectively respond to future global health challenges.


Building on lessons learned from the Peru assessment work, the INSIGHT team is now working with the Ukraine Public Health Center on expanding sentinel and event based surveillance systems in Ukraine and strengthening the capacity of the public health system for emergency management of chemical biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. The INSIGHT team has organized a workshop in Poland bringing together key principals from the Ukraine ministry of health and local health departments to accelerate the pace of activities in support of public health in the country. INSIGHT is coordinating technical working groups on Early Warning and Response, Public Health Emergency Management, and Surveillance strengthening.

I-TECH Presents at ICBD 2023 Conference

Representatives from I-TECH Malawi attend ICBD 2023 in Santiago, Chile from 1-4 March 2023 to present findings from the Malawi Birth Defects Surveillance Program. L-R: Luke Chiwala, Simkonda Yamikani Malanga, George Bello. Photo Credit: I-TECH Malawi

Representatives from I-TECH Malawi attended and presented findings from the Malawi Birth Defects Surveillance Program at the 2023 International Conference on Birth Defects and Disabilities in the Developing World (ICBD 2023). ICBD 2023, hosted by the March of Dimes, took place in Santiago, Chile, from 1-4 March 2023.

The conference brought together maternal and child health practitioners and researchers from around the world who presented their latest research, tools, and approaches in surveillance, diagnosis, and care for babies born with birth defects. This year’s theme was “Accelerating Action for Birth Defects and Disabilities: Surveillance, Prevention, Diagnosis, Management and Family-Centered Care.”

The following presentations were given during the conference:

  • “Prevalence of Adverse Birth Outcomes and External Birth Defects Among Women Living with HIV in Malawi”
    Authors: Bello G, Smith-Sreen J, Williamson D, Taulo F, Kabaghe A, Kerry Thomson K, Kagoli M, Chipeta S, Namakhoma I, Nyirenda R, Babaye Y, Auld A, Kim E, Matatiyo B, Zenengeya E, Muula AS, Nyasulu I, Gomes MF, Chiwala L, Kamzati M, Mkungudza J, Valencia D, Moore C, O’Malley G, Wadonda-Kabondo AN
  • “Correct Diagnosis of Birth Defects by Health Facility Staff in Four Facilities in Malawi”
    Authors: Malanga SY, Luke Chiwala L, Kamzati M, Valencia D, Mkungudza J, Bello G, Williamson D, Moore C, Thomson K, Ireen Namakhoma I, Gondwe E, Banda F, Sangaya N, Chirwa M, Kagoli M, Chipeta S, Nyirenda R, Zenengeya E, Babaye Y, O’Malley G, Wadonda-Kabondo N, Kabaghe AN
  • “Use of Electronic Data Collection and Web-Based Portal to Ensure the Completeness, Timeliness, and Accuracy of Final External Birth Defects Diagnosis in Malawi”
    Authors: Chiwala L, Kamzati M, Valencia D, Mkungudza J, Bello G, Williamson D, Moore C, Thomson K, Namakhoma I, Gondwe E, Banda F, Sangaya N, Chirwa M, Kagoli M, Chipeta S, Nyirenda R, Zenengeya E, Babaye Y, O’Malley G, Wadonda-Kabondo N, Kabaghe AN

To learn more about ICBD 2023 conference, please visit the ICBD 2023 website and review the ICBD 2023 Agenda.

*Bolded names indicates presenting author.

I-TECH Stands with LGBTQ+ Individuals in Uganda

On March 21, the Ugandan parliament passed a hardline bill criminalizing LGBTQ+ identity, giving the government wide latitude to prosecute gay Ugandans, punishable by life imprisonment. This represents a clear violation of human rights and dignity for Ugandans who identify as LGBTQ+, putting them at further risk of violence and discrimination in a country where same-sex relations were already illegal.

Global condemnation of the new legislation has been swift, within and outside of Uganda. Richard Lusimbo, a Ugandan LGBTQ+ activist, told NPR, “The LGBTQI community has basically been told, you can’t raise your head, you can’t be seen, you can’t be heard.”  The UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights is urging Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni not to sign the bill.  “The bill would have negative repercussions on society as a whole and violates the nation’s constitution. The passing of this discriminatory bill – probably among the worst of its kind in the world – is a deeply troubling development.”

Such violations of human rights, regardless of where they occur, are antithetical to I-TECH’s values and our vision of health and flourishing for all. We strongly object to these actions by the Ugandan government and stand against the criminalization of and discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals and communities in Uganda.

I-TECH Data Presented at CROI 2023

Data from the International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) program in Malawi were presented during the 2023 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). The annual conference took place in Seattle, WA, from 19-22 February 2023, and brought together researchers, academics, and experts to discuss and present on their scientific achievements and new research.

During the “Insights into Prevention and Treatment of HIV in Women and Children” oral abstract session that was held on 20 February 2023, representatives from I-TECH Malawi presented on recent HIV infection surveillance data in breastfeeding women in Malawi:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also presented a poster during the poster session that used data from the I-TECH Malawi HIV Recency Surveillance project:

To learn more about CROI, download conference resources, or to peruse the 2023 CROI program, please visit the CROI 2023 website.

Note: Bold name indicates presenting author.