A key focus for I-TECH in Ukraine is strengthening the capacity of local partners to develop and deliver high-quality clinical trainings and expand the supply of skilled health care workers.
The human resources for health (HRH) program also aims to institutionalize and implement the most advanced and effective models of teaching and learning and has developed over 20 training packages to date, including distance-learning courses on the topics of advanced antiretroviral therapy (ART) management, opportunistic infections management in people living with HIV, ART adherence and retention of HIV patients, and pre-exposure prophylaxis for people who use drugs. Special attention is paid to clinical mentoring, on-the-job training, faculty development, teaching methodology, and instructional design.
I-TECH also strengthens the training and organizational capacities of its partners in the area of HIV in-service/continuing medical training and supports partners’ efforts to standardize in-service training programs, methodologies, and related processes.